Wicked Media


Step In!

Welcome to Wicked Media!

Do you like visually stunning Websites with a fun and engaging user experience? I'm the right dev for you!

Who are we?

Only me for now. 
I'm Björn, nice to meet you!

I am a web smith with a passion for creating functionally and artistically pleasing websites. If you are part of the Music or Art industry, or simply possess a playful and creative mind, I'd be blessed to work with you on designing a unique online presence and bringing it to life.


Of course every project has different requirements and some are more time consuming then others. Therefore following listings are rather examples of possible outcomes. In case it is a preferable option for you we can also set up an annual payment plan.

Gold dust


Design and development of fun gimmicks and animations 

Requires existing website

Support Act

Design and development of a rather basic website fitting your style and atmosphere
Inclusion and maintenance of some helpful plugins



(or 6 annual payments of 666€)

Design and development of a complex and unique website with your style and atmosphere all over it
Inclusion and maintenance of all Plugins you like
Creative and extensive use of animations
Setup of an online shop


Design and development of an insanely unique, deeply atmospheric website, a true web-reflection of your craft
Inclusion and maintenance of all Plugins you like, plugin development
Creative and extensive use of animations, creation of unique and playful web-art
Setup and maintenance of an online shop including training

Free Consultation

Let's hang out and see where things are going!

Get in Touch

To reach me please submit the form or directly write an email to wizard@wicked.media!

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